For each of the criteria for evaluation, I refrained from providing long lists that support each criterion. I have chosen to let the included vitae, course evaluations, and observations speak for themselves regarding my activities, and spend time reflecting on my current status for each criteria and provide a direction for how I see each criteria evolving in the future. More specifically, I intend to use the Plus-Delta-Rx method for reflection. This is the reflective process I asked my students to use when analyzing their own teaching practice. In this method, “plus” represents the elements of each criterion that I have found to be successful over the past six years. “Delta” will represent the elements within each criterion that are in need of some sort of change. For each “delta” provided I will also provide an “Rx”, or a prescription as to how each delta could be improved.

Plus. In my five years on campus I have had two articles published in journals, one book chapter, and 8 published proceedings at international conferences. In addition to the proceedings, the eight articles are also published in EdITLib, the Digital Library for Education and Information Technology ( This digital repository provides an even greater audience for my work in an electronic form more readily accessible and viable for today’s technology researchers. Although not accepted yet, I have also submitted the article, “Mobile (i)Pedagogy: Tablet-Centered Teaching and Learning” to the Journal of Technology and Teacher Education.

When I step back and view these accomplishments I am very pleased and quite surprised. Having 11 scholarly works published across a range of academic media is exciting. Discussing one’s own accomplishments is always awkward, and this is no different, but I can truly say that I am proud of the work I have done. I am proud of how I have assimilated the feedback from my department and the review committee into the scope and sequence of my scholarly work. My submission, “Mobile (i)Pedagogy: Tablet-Centered Teaching and Learning”, is the newest example of how I am trying to center my research and scholarly conversation on innovative pedagogy. This direction and focus is proof of how effective the annual and tenure review process for reforming practice. I was encouraged not to be narrower in my scope, but to be more defined. The exploration of innovative pedagogy provides me greater opportunities for future research and helps me to avoid the plague of becoming pigeonholed within a specific topic. I look forward to continuing within this line of inquiry and making deeper connections through the use of Sophomore Research Assistants and collaboration with colleagues across campus and on other institutions. While I truly enjoy exploring the use of innovative pedagogy at elementary, middle, and secondary schools, I am also very interested in participating in this research at the college level.

In addition to the scholarly work above, I am excited to have been awarded a research leave for the 2013-2014 academic year. This leave will allow me to further my research in the area of instructional technology, with specific focus on mobile computing and its impact on teacher workflow – including curriculum design, assessment, instruction, and management. This leave will allow me to build upon the “Schools linked? Curriculum changes and collaborative learning between schools” research started in the 2012-2013 academic year with Dr. Geovana Mendonça Lunardi Mendes of the State University of Santa Catarina, Center for Human Sciences and Education in Florianopolis, Brazil, but also allow me to make additional connections with other sites across the United States utilizing one-to-one mobile computing strategies. The opportunity to explore these methodologies in a cross-cultural manner will enhance the applicability of the work and provide broader points of connection for those looking to adopt similar computing and teaching strategies. This opportunity will greatly enhance the technological aspects of the courses I teach, as well as put me in closer proximity with other researchers and teachers who are exploring similar ideas. The development of a strong network of researchers and practitioners using mobile computing in effective and innovative ways will give my students more points of contact during their time at The College of Wooster, and when they enter the field. By completing this work, I not only gain valuable research and publication experience, but I more thoughtfully define my future at the College of Wooster and establish the necessary traction for long-term success in research and scholarship.

Delta and Rx. Even though I am very pleased with the production of 11 scholarly works, I feel that I have a considerable amount of material that is ready for an audience – but I need to find the time to see the process through. I know that this is the eternal struggle for all academics; I was just hoping a divine method would present itself – one I had not considered or attempted.

Of the eight proceedings published and featured in the electronic database, at least six of those have significant potential in wider markets. In addition, my work in experiential learning and participation in the text Moving the Classroom Outdoors, has opened new possibilities for developing a text looking at the connection of global outdoor learning and experiential education.

Looking forward, I hope that selectivity in my service to the college can allow me to reallocate time to complete projects that are ripe and ready. This has been my greatest struggle over the past six years. I am not at a loss for content, just time.

Hales Fund Travel and Research

The Hales Fund supports innovative, interdisciplinary faculty development at The College of Wooster. Each year, it allows an interdisciplinary group of faculty to study together through the academic year and engage in collaborative field study the following summer. Upon return from the field, the group shares its collective experience with the campus, and each member revises an existing course or develops a new one to enrich the Wooster curriculum with the advances accomplished as a result of the project.

Post-Trip Reflection Excerpt: What stands out for me as we leave Cuba are the purposeful steps towards progressive educational practices that appear to be country-wide. Though I am not a huge fan of the standardized educational movement (even in the U.S.), I am amazed at the Cubans’ efforts to provide quality instruction regardless of location. One example of this practice is their use of a low-tech “distance learning” methodologies via T.V. and VCR. Across the country, students are exposed to the same researched and vetted teaching strategies; from inner city Havana to distant rural villages, the quality of the instruction is not just consistent, but the same. While this method may not be fostering the 21stCentury skills we hold so dear in the U.S., it does make the Cuban people poised and ready for when more technologically advanced modes of distance learning become available. The process is in place; they are just waiting on the technology to help take them further.

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